Our core team has more than 60 years consultancy experience. In addition to our core team, we have a network of carefully chosen specialists that we work closely with.

Donald Webb
Specialisms — Rural development; Science & Technology; Food & Drink; Leadership & Management; Heritage & tourism; Residential & Commercial property; Energy & Sustainability.
Donald Webb is Director of Brookdale Consulting. He has over 25 years consulting experience and works as a trusted advisor to his clients drawing in expertise as required. He personally quality assures all outputs of Brookdale Consulting. He has expertise in residential and commercial property, rural development, agri-food and drink, leisure and heritage, policy evaluation, the knowledge economy, technology transfer and economic impact. Prior to Brookdale he was a Director of DTZ (now Cushman and Wakefield) and Head of Economics across North of England.
Peter Milway
Specialisms — Residential & Commercial property; Scientific Research; Transport & utilities; Manufacturing; Low Carbon
Peter Milway is a professional economist with 25 years of consultancy experience and formerly an Associate Director at DTZ. He has extensive experience of managing, designing and undertaking economic impact, policy evaluation, labour market, skills and demographic studies. Peter has expertise in commercial property, manufacturing, renewable energy and major infrastructure such as roads, rail and ports.
Angharad Butler
Specialisms — Agri-food sector; Education; Manufacturing; Renewables and the Green Economy.
Angharad Butler is a professional economist and researcher with particular interest in the food and drink sector. She leads the economics work on the Welsh Government's Insight Programme.